Footballers, Online Harms, and its Impact
Dr Daniel Kilvington, Leeds Beckett University
Sue Paris, CEO of Simply Human Services
This webinar provides an overview of Tackling Online Hate in Football’s (TOHIF) findings regarding online harms as experienced by current and former professional men and women, and academy level, footballers in England. Drawing on a sample size of over 120 players, we will highlight common types and triggers of online harms, how abuse impacts players’ personal and professional lives, and how the football industry is attempting to manage this crisis. The webinar is in collaboration with Simply Human Services, a leading player care and emotional wellbeing organisation. Sue Parris, CEO of Simply Human Services, will not only discuss the severity of online harms in football, but will put forward a series of mechanisms to better protect and support players against such abuse. Before a Q&A, the webinar will close with a summary of the core research findings, recommendations for future research, and a list of practical measures designed to better protect and support players from online harms.
Presenter Biographies
Dr Daniel Kilvington is a Reader and Course Director in Media and Cultural Studies at Leeds Beckett University. His teaching and research focuses on ‘race’, racism and anti-racism in sport and new media contexts. He is widely published in academic journals, and is author of five books, including Sport, Racism and Social Media (2015), Sport and Discrimination (2017) and Online Research Methods in Sport Studies (2019). He is the co-founder of the annual Sport and Discrimination Conference series, and has presented a number of keynote papers at academic and industry events. He has secured significant external funding for research with the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and the British Academy (BA), and has undertaken research collaborations with stakeholders including the English Premier League (EPL), Kick It Out, Football Against Racism in Europe (FARE), The English Cricket Board (ECB), to name but a few.
Susan Parris is an emotional development and welfare professional and the founder of Simply Human and The Changing Room. Sue believes waiting to reach a point of emotional crisis before seeking support and understanding is not only counter intuitive but also profoundly limits our ability to live a happier and more peaceful life.
Having worked with vulnerable young people and adults for more than 25 years, within formal education and professional football as head of education, welfare and player services for a Premier League club, her work aims to be preventative and proactive through nurturing self awareness and emotional intelligence.
In addition to this work, as a qualified teacher, Sue also works with Steven Caulker at Behind The White Lines and delivers the welfare and EDI modules for The Player Care Group’s certificate in player care alongside contributing to other projects on a consultancy basis.
She has co-authored, with Paul Mortimer, research published in 2022, The Boy in the Man’s Mask, the duty of care on football academies, which has further endorsed and validated her current work with individuals, groups and organisations in this space.
Educated to post degree level, and still engaged in formal education, her passion for reading and people constantly informs her own self development and that of nurturing and supporting others.