The United Against Online Abuse Barometer Survey: A Benchmark for Research-Led Initiatives

13 Oct 2023

The FIA, in partnership with fellow sporting bodies, makes history with the first of its kind survey dedicated to studying online abuse in sport.

Survey findings will support the UAOA campaign by providing an evidential base to lobby key stakeholders for action, advocacy, and investment.

The FIA today launches the inaugural barometer under the auspices of the United Against Online Abuse campaign – a strategic initiative designed to address the impact of online abuse against athletes, officials, volunteers, and others involved in the sport. 

The first edition survey, presented as a barometer, is designed to provide an assessment of the extent of online abuse against athletes, competitors, officials and participants aligned to over 70 international sporting bodies. The project team will be headed by Professor David Hassan, a leading researcher in sports management and policy, for over two decades.

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